ok, here's the photo we took at the sajc alumni dinner. my dearie classmate yanling actually took d effort to send this to me, how sweet of her.
well, there were only like 7 from our class who went, still it was quite a joy seein them, n all the rest of my bball mates too of course, juz too bad we didn't snap any shots.
so it seemed junyang was d ultimate centre of attraction but we didn't really feel as ultra 'xinfu' as some of the near screaming waitresses n younger juniors who were waiting anxiously behind the camera person who was taking this shot so that they can start to mob him haha.. it was great seein some of class 2A4 again, wish there were more who came though. oh.. jy's still shorter than me.. aiyo.. tsk tsk.. haha so mean to still tease him abt this even now.. well, i kid..
so here's my thank you list for the day:
thank yoU for everything.. the trouble dolls n heartfelt chats n eating outs n shopping sessions n sharing n trust n joy u bring to me all these years..
thank yOu for the pulley n key chain n lollipop n smiley n minna n the fun n the laughter yOu brought to my life..
thank YoU for the constant weeks of convenience at ur inconvenience that i may enjoy the grace i've been promised n warm milk n ocassional talks that we've had before drifting off to sleep..
thank You for the simple friendship n times when we had to scrimp n save juz to get a coloured drink..
thank ewe, for simply being ewe. wouldn't have wanted it any other way..
n last of all, thanks to God for having given me everything n all the love n care that i never really deserved..
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